Personality Profile – The 10 types of plane passengers you find on flights … According to a new article by The Daily Mail.
1. THE TALK SHOW HOST: Chatty, engaging, and relentless in conversation.
2. THE BAREFOOT WANDERER: Relaxed, carefree, and unapologetic.
3. THE TERRITORIAL TRAVELLER: Assertive, competitive, and strategic.
4. THE LAZY PARENT: Laid back, nonchalant, and hands-off.
5. THE PERFORMANCE PARENT: Proud, outgoing, and showy.
6. THE NEVER-ENDING GRAZER: Well-prepared, self-sufficient, and always snacking.
7. THE NERVOUS WRECK: Anxious, tense, and fearful during the flight.
8. THE FLYING BLADDER: Frequently needing the restroom, regardless of inconvenience.
9. THE EARSPLITTER: Enjoys loud media to drown out surroundings.
10. THE SLEEP FANATIC: Seeks uninterrupted rest, well-equipped to avoid disturbances.